SLOcally Made Market new vendors
Hey there! We are so excited that you are interested in participating in the SLOcally made creative market! We have some seriously fun things in store in the space and it's a unique opportunity to have your own "store" within a store for a week. We have some great traction going and participation is looking awesome. Some facts about the market that are worth mentioning:
- Set up and training will be 12/16 from 5-8 PM
- This is a collective store where everyone will work a shift and are encouraged to come help as much as you can. We will have a central checkout and inventory system so individual vendors won't be collecting $.
- ShareSLO is partnering with us to back the project with some ad funding
- We have social, web, and email strategy to get this in people's faces, and a retail coordinate that is being paid to manage the whole store (she isn't a vendor.) and a Party coordinator who will make our bash awesome.
- The Copeland's are sponsoring a party on 12/20 with a toast at 7PM
- Price is $150 (due upon filing out this form) +7% of sales (will take this out of your cut at the end.) This price is for the entire week.
- Checks will be cut in the month of Jan
Thanks for taking the time to complete this form! I know it's a lot, but will make it easier to coordinate without having to bug you for info again ;) We are pretty flexible. If you need adjustments just give me a holler!